INNOVCOATING is a machine manufacturer located in Amor/LEIRIA. We are producing hard-coating application installation for various markets and worldwide customers. Our equipment is delivered with the latest standards in automation (robots, motion, vision, and instrumentation).

In our department, we are looking for desginers with the capacity of:
– Technical Desgin in Mechanical Construction;
– Knowledge of software: Solidworks e Autocad;

The technician we are looking for must have:
– Knowledge in robotics is a plus;
– Knowledge in process control is a plus;
– Experience in machine manufacturing or equivalent is valued;

All our engineering staff members need a team work and collaborative spirit, with an open-mind and continuous improvement attitude.

Our international activity and constant customer relationship building requires a very good level of English (writing, reading and speaking). French or Spanish is a plus.

Non Portuguese speaking candidates are welcome.

Occasional travel outside of Portugal for customer support can be a necessity (5 to 6 times per year with a two weeks duration).

Fill the form

Para una solicitud, complete el formulario a continuación o puede enviar su CV directamente a recrutamento@innovcoating.com.

    Curriculum vitæ